Proposed Changes to Forest Service Leasing Rule Could Affect Hunting and Fishing
TRCP engages to protect interests of hunters and anglers.
TRCP engages to protect interests of hunters and anglers.
Legislation that requires federal agencies to digitize their public land access data would help us spend Land and Water Conservation Fund dollars more efficiently.
With an Alaska roadless rule on the way, sportsmen and women need to advocate for habitat, clean water, and quality hunting and fishing opportunities.
Only recently has LWCF funding been specifically purposed with unlocking our inaccessible public lands, meaning that we’ve got a lot of work ahead of us when it comes to establishing access to isolated parcels.
Swift passage in the House and similar movement in the Senate would permanently secure the most critical tool for opening 9.52 million acres of landlocked public lands.
If the forest service and Alaska are going to develop a state-focused roadless rule, they should stick to the standards set by previous efforts Sometimes the world of public lands policy makes me feel...
While not all national parks are open to hunting and fishing, these iconic landscapes are responsible for growing some of the critters that wind up in our favorite spots come opening day.
Using the industry-leading mapping software, TRCP and onX team up to make the case for a broader approach to public lands access acquisition.
Proposed cuts to land acquisition funding would prevent agencies from enhancing public hunting and fishing access—the most widely celebrated part of DOI’s public lands agenda.
Opening more public land to hunting and fishing is something we can all agree on—and to leave a truly sportsmen friendly legacy, Interior must match access achievements with a vision for habitat and conservation...
TRCP has partnered with Afuera Coffee Co. to further our commitment to conservation. $4 from each bag is donated to the TRCP, to help continue our efforts of safeguarding critical habitats, productive hunting grounds, and favorite fishing holes for future generations.
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