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    Photo Courtesy of: Jack Lander

TRCP in The Pacific Northwest

From the Puget Sound to the Snake River’s Hell’s Canyon, and on to the high divide in the greater Yellowstone ecosystem, the Pacific Northwest is blessed with millions of acres of public lands and thousands of miles of public water. Iconic western species such the Roosevelt and Rocky Mountain elk, Columbia blacktails, mule deer, chukar, salmon, and sea-run cutthroat offer vital recreational opportunities and cultural value. This wild land of mountains and rivers is a hunter’s and angler’s playground where the only currency is boot leather.

The Pacific Northwest Projects

This region hosts tens of millions of acres of public land that offer exceptional hunting and fishing, and TRCP is continually working to maintain and improve access to those lands and waters. Big game, steelhead, and salmon migration are critical to quality hunting and fishing in the PNW and the protection of their movement to natal streams and seasonal ranges means hunters and anglers will enjoy these animals for generations to come. TRCP is also a key partner of the BLM, USFWS, and USFS in the Pacific Northwest and ensures that agency land management planning hears the voices of hunters and anglers.


The Owyhee Canyon Lands

The Owyhee region, a crown jewel of Oregon’s natural heritage, spans over 4.6 million acres of remote, western public land. Hunters and anglers from across the country travel to the area to hunt mule deer, pronghorn, bighorn sheep, and chukar, and to fish for a variety of trout and smallmouth bass.

As one of the most intact sagebrush ecosystems left in the Great Basin, the Owyhee is simply too special to ignore. The area’s outstanding natural resource value, paired with the challenges it faces—ranging from hotter and drier weather, which exacerbates the spread of non-native weeds and fire risk, to growing recreational pressures—are why the hunting and fishing community calls on lawmakers to conserve this incredible region.

Hunters and anglers value this wildlife rich landscape and are working locally with important stakeholders to discuss the best way to secure long-term conservation policies that conserve its rugged character, working landscapes, and the hunting and angling opportunities.

The Owyhee Canyon Lands

The Owyhee region, a crown jewel of Oregon's natural heritage, spans over 4.6 million acres of remote, western public land. Weigh in today to ensure that hunter and angler interests are incorporated in any forthcoming legislation.

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Oregon lawmakers put $7 million toward more wildlife corridors, for safer highways

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How we work

  • We prioritize the conservation of large, intact landscapes and watersheds throughout the Pacific Northwest that provide irreplaceable habitat for far-ranging and culturally important species, like mule deer and salmon.
  • We hire staff that live, work, hunt, and fish in these important landscapes. Our state-based staff intricately understand the issues affecting our fish and wildlife habitats in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington.
  • We solve problems by rolling up our sleeves and finding collaborative solutions to difficult natural resources challenges. Our recommendations are guided by the best available science and informed by local knowledge.
  • We are collaborative, seeking to unite recreational hunters and anglers, guides, outfitters, and the region’s many Tribal voices around shared priorities.
  • We focus on safeguarding important habitat that supports world-class fishing and hunting opportunities for all user groups.
  • We believe that hunting and fishing traditions are vital to the heritage of the PNW and best served by improved coordination between state and federal managers, and reduced litigation.


Hart Mountain National Antelope Refuge

Conserving a 100-mile pronghorn migration corridor in the region to improve habitat and big game populations on the refuge that offer one-of-a-kind hunting opportunities.

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Owyhee Canyons

Protecting the Owyhee canyon country which is home to native redband rainbow trout, chukar, mule deer, elk, and large unbroken sagebrush-steppe for sage grouse and California bighorn sheep.

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Wildlife Crossings

Collaborate with state transportation departments, state fish and game, and partners to assure safe passage for wildlife across the highways in the PNW to protect vital migration corridors and daily wildlife movements.

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Caribou Targhee National Forest Planning

Organizing a public lands collaborative for the impending plan revision on the over three million-acre national forest in eastern Idaho with the goal of maintaining important migration routes, summer ranges, and stop-over areas.

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Salmon-Challis National Forest Planning

Safeguarding the Lower 48’s largest wilderness area by encouraging hunters and anglers to comment on plan revision. Working with other stakeholders to make sure local communities prosper from their proximity to vast public lands.

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Upper Snake RMP BLM Planning

Rallying hunters and anglers to comment on the Upper Snake Field Office’s plan revision for 1.9 million acres of the High Divide that stretches from central Idaho to Yellowstone National Park.


Owyhee Trout Fishing
Owyhee Mule Deer and Packraft Trip
Pronghorn Path Migration
Meet the team

Michael O’Casey, Deputy Director Forest Policy & Northwest Program

Michael joined the TRCP in the summer of 2018. He is a native Oregonian who grew up on a small farm just a stone’s throw from the mouth of the mighty Columbia River. Early childhood trips salmon fishing on the Columbia and learning to stalk elk in the mossy forests of the Pacific Northwest hooked him with a passion for hunting and fishing in his home state.

Michael attended the University of Montana, where he received a bachelor’s degree in Wildlife Biology, and has since worked for federal agencies and nonprofits. Most recently, he led the development and implementation of public and private land stewardship projects throughout eastern Oregon.

He currently lives outside of Sisters, Oregon, with his wife and two boys. In his time off, you can find him with his family, camping, fishing, and hunting in the many diverse landscapes of Oregon’s wild country.

Meet the team

Rob Thornberry, Idaho Field Representative

Rob Thornberry, who joined the TRCP in February 2016 as the Idaho Field Representative, has spent his life chasing animals and fish across the West’s stunning public lands. A journalism graduate from the University of Colorado, Rob reported on outdoor issues for nearly three decades and wrote a weekly outdoor column for The Post Register in Idaho.

Public lands have been his playground since he first started chasing sage grouse across the rolling hills of northwestern Colorado. When not working to ensure sportsmen’s access to public lands, Rob can be found swinging a steelhead fly, busting through rapids, or hunting for elk in his beloved eastern Idaho. He and his wife Margaret are proud parents of two grown children.

Meet the team

Tristan Henry, Oregon Field Representative

Tristan is a lifelong Oregonian, who grew up on a soggy piece of ground in the Willamette Valley. On his family farm he cultivated a persistent sense of curiosity of and commitment to the natural side of the world’s order. His work life started early in that rural setting and after graduating from Oregon State University it has run the gamut from major metropolitan areas to mountain towns, all the while maintaining an abiding and demonstrable commitment to Oregon’s conservation community, eventually bringing him to the TRCP team.

He currently lives in Central Oregon with his wife, Samantha, where they spend their free time hunting,
foraging and otherwise enjoying the richness of Oregon’s varied wildlife.
As TRCP’s Oregon Field Representative, he works to build a durable appreciation for and commitment to the resources and institutions that furnish so many Oregonians’ ways of life.

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