August 3, 2017
To Have Great Fishing Anywhere, We Need Clean Water Everywhere
The basic needs of America’s world-class trout and waterfowl populations—healthy headwaters and wetlands—are about to be undermined, so sportsmen and women need to act now.
May 25, 2016
Despite a Policy Victory, Another Year Without Clean Water
Why aren’t we celebrating the one-year anniversary of better protections for headwater streams and wetlands? Today marks one year since the EPA and Army Corps finalized and signed the...
January 13, 2016
Another Vote, Another Veto: Congress Moves to Derail Protection for Smaller Streams and Wetlands (Again)
The latest attempt to strike down the Clean Water Rule would prevent protection of headwater streams and wetlands Today, the U.S. House of Representatives took advantage of a rarely-used...
December 17, 2015
Wildlife Habitat is About to Get a $3.5-Billion Boost
No matter how you like to spend your time outdoors, Congress just stuffed your stocking Congress will likely pass a budget bill this week that will make significant investments...
The Top Conservation Stories and #WildlifeWins of 2015
These are the stories that had sportsmen talking and tweeting—some even made us fighting mad—this year Endangered Species Act protection is not warranted for sage grouse The greater sage...
December 10, 2015
Wheeling and Dealing: What You Need to Know About Spending Bill Negotiations
In my college days, when the world seemed to revolve around duck hunting and beer, my academic motto might have been: There is no minute like the last minute....
November 8, 2015
Are Your Senators Just Paying Lip Service to Sportsmen?
Here’s how they voted on clean water for headwaters and wetlands In late October, I wrote about three upcoming attacks from Congress on sportsmen’s access to healthy headwater streams...
November 3, 2015
Senate kills dirty water bill
Hunters and anglers celebrate brief reprieve for headwater streams and wetlands before preparing for a fresh threat to the Clean Water Rule In a Senate vote today, “The Federal...
November 2, 2015
Sportsmen Oppose Congressional Threats to Clean Water and Healthy Wetlands
The Senate will vote on a dirty water bill tomorrow–here’s what sportsmen’s groups are doing about it Today, eight sportsmen’s groups representing hundreds of thousands of hunters and anglers...
October 29, 2015
Attacks on clean water protection are scary no matter what costume they wear
Just in time for Halloween, the Senate is lining up three attacks on fishing and waterfowl hunting that should scare all sportsmen and women. They’re using rhetoric and must-pass...
TRCP has partnered with Afuera Coffee Co. to further our commitment to conservation. $4 from each bag is donated to the TRCP, to help continue our efforts of safeguarding critical habitats, productive hunting grounds, and favorite fishing holes for future generations.
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