July 8, 2014
A Spring Turkey Hunt with the TRCP
TRCP Western Outreach Director Neil Thagard, a Minox Optics Adventure Team member, recently got the opportunity to chase Merriam’s turkeys in Wyoming in an area where he has arrowed...
September 9, 2013
Video: Driftless Areas and the Farm Bill
Steven Rinella, host of the hit TV show “MeatEater” discusses the importance of private lands conservation programs in the Farm Bill and their role in ensuring hunting and fishing...
August 16, 2013
Quartering and Packing Big Game Demystified in New How-To Video
A lot of hunters feel uneasy about hunting backcountry public land because they’re worried about what to do when they get a deer or elk down on the ground...
July 18, 2013
Video: Budget Cuts Besiege Wyoming Sportsmen
Recently TRCP’s western outreach director, Neil Thagard presented the Wyoming Game & Fish Department $10,000 for the Private Lands Public Wildlife Access Program, which benefits all sportsmen who hunt...
July 11, 2013
DON’T MISS: Senate Tackles Colorado River Management
The U.S. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources is holding a hearing on Tuesday, July 16, at 2:30 p.m. ET to receive testimony on the Bureau of Reclamation’s...
May 17, 2013
Video: One Fast-Moving Tom
TRCP’s Neil Thagard and his wife Catherine recently had the opportunity to enjoy some time on public land chasing Merriam’s turkeys. With Catherine behind the camera and Neil as...
May 12, 2013
Ten Tips for Renewable Energy Development on Public Land
Chances are that most sportsmen do not spend much time thinking about energy development. But whether you know it or not, hunters and anglers have much at stake when...
April 19, 2013
Video: Sportsmen and Climate Change
In the next century, nearly 40 percent of the natural ecosystems where sportsmen hunt and fish will change due to a number of reasons, including climate change. Higher water...
April 12, 2013
Take Action: Stand up for Backcountry in the Beaver State
Oregon offers some of the best public upland game bird hunting in the West. Chukar season ended in January, but die-hard bird hunters already are thinking about next season....
Video: Improving Hunting Access
Sportsmen must travel farther than ever to access public lands. Public lands can be rendered inaccessible by adjacent private land owners. The federal Open Fields program incentivizes land owners...
TRCP has partnered with Afuera Coffee Co. to further our commitment to conservation. $4 from each bag is donated to the TRCP, to help continue our efforts of safeguarding critical habitats, productive hunting grounds, and favorite fishing holes for future generations.
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