March 22, 2016
Sportsmen’s Community Highlights Conservation Goals at White House Water Summit
Groups call for federal action supporting healthy fish and wildlife habitat on World Water Day To mark today’s international observance of World Water Day, hunting and fishing organizations participated...
February 11, 2016
Congress Should Take a Page from Obama’s Proposed Budget
House and Senate should support increases for conservation funding that would benefit fish, wildlife, and sportsmen On Tuesday, President Obama unveiled his final budget proposal, a $4.1-trillion total ask...
December 4, 2015
The Benefits and Limitations of WaterSMART Solutions from the Bureau of Reclamation
As the drought in the West continues, we are all being forced to reckon with unsustainable water use of the past. If nothing changes in the Colorado River basin,...
April 20, 2015
Snapshot of Success: Cascade County, Montana
From California to New York, from Montana to Mississippi, hunters and anglers are leading important efforts to improve the quality and quantity of our water resources. The most successful...
February 3, 2015
Inside the President’s 2016 budget request
Today, President Barack Obama released his fiscal year 2016 budget request to Congress. The president’s call for doing away with sequestration and increasing spending by $74 billion would provide...
March 7, 2014
President’s budget good for sportsmen’s water priorities
President Obama’s budget request to Congress released on March 4 contains a number of spending priorities sportsmen should like. The budget proposes full funding for the Land and Water...
August 9, 2013
Senate Asks: What Should We Do on Water? Here’s One Answer
Earlier I wrote about a Senate hearing on the Colorado River Basin Water Supply and Demand Study. In case you missed it, the complete hearing is archived and worth...
TRCP has partnered with Afuera Coffee Co. to further our commitment to conservation. $4 from each bag is donated to the TRCP, to help continue our efforts of safeguarding critical habitats, productive hunting grounds, and favorite fishing holes for future generations.
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