TRCP Ambassadors are grassroots champions. Sportsmen-conservationists. Hometown heroes. They’re #PublicLandsProud and not willing to sit idly by as the wild places we love are lost. They know there’s more to our sports than just hunting, fishing, and going home.
The Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership depends on the involvement of individual sportsmen and women to help boost conservation of fish and wildlife habitat and enhance access to hunting and fishing. Our Ambassadors are our lead volunteers, who give their time and resources to the mission of guaranteeing all Americans quality places to hunt and fish.
TRCP Ambassadors
- Colorado – John Ellenberger
- Idaho – Bob Breckenridge
- Montana – Alec Underwood
- Oregon – Nathan Bailey
- Wyoming – Earl DeGroot
To get involved with the TRCP Ambassador Program, start by becoming a monthly donor and signing our petitions that allow us to move important policy priorities forward.